Earl R. Hall Executive Director – Syracuse Builders Exchange
In July 2023, representatives of the Mohawk Valley Builders Exchange (MVBE) Board of Directors, including their President, met with me regarding a potential merger of MVBE into the Syracuse Builders Exchange (SBE). That initial meeting has resulted in 14 months of due diligence by both MVBE and SBE as both organizations evaluate what is in the best interest of their Associations and the regional construction industry which they serve.
On September 10, 2024, the MVBE Board of Directors voted to merge with SBE, with SBE being the successor organization. Prior to that, the SBE Board of Directors met with legal counsel, and voted to approve SBE’s merger proposal to MVBE, merger agreement with MVBE and to continue the merger and due diligence process.
To legally effectuate a merger of two not-for-profit Associations in the state of New York, and to comply with both Associations’ By-Laws, the following must occur:
• Proper due diligence;
• Proper calling of membership meetings by both Associations;
• Approval by each Associations’ members;
• Approval by each Associations’ Board of Directors;
• Approval by the NYS Attorney General’s Anti-Trust Bureau
In the weeks ahead, SBE will provide members with a formal Membership Meeting notice, advising of the meeting purpose, date, time and location, and the ability to vote either in person or via written proxy. The MVBE will do the same with their member employers.
Although SBE has approximately 40 member employers located in the Mohawk Valley region, SBE remains extremely excited about delivering important industry services to all construction industry employers throughout the Mohawk Valley region. Many argue the Mohawk Valley is inclusive with Central New York, which is the region SBE’s By-Laws identify as the geographic footprint of SBE.
The SBE staff is prepared for this next chapter of the Association, which dates back to 1872, and well equipped to begin delivering services to construction industry employers throughout the Mohawk Valley effective January 1, 2025.
As a fiduciary Officer of SBE, it remains my opinion, and that of the SBE Board of Directors, merging MVBE into SBE is in the best interest of the Association and the member employers which SBE serves. In addition, and in accordance with SBE By-Laws, such a merger is in the best interest of the regional construction industry and the public which SBE serves.
For the above-noted reasons, I recommend SBE member employers vote to approve of the MVBE merger into SBE. The SBE Board of Directors and I look forward to working collaboratively with our friends and colleagues on the MVBE Board of Directors in our effort to achieve a January 1, 2025 merger
I welcome feedback from our members and remain prepared to address any questions or concerns. Feel free to email me at ehall@syrabex.com or call (315) 437-9936.